Youth Champions

Healthwatch BwD have successfully registered to deliver the Royal Society of Public Health’s Youth Health Champions Level 2 accreditation

Emergency Care Insights

The primary focus of this engagement was to support Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership with winter planning, messaging and communication

Community Pharmacy

Healthwatch Together are working with colleagues from Public Health, NHS England, Blackpool
Council, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council and Lancashire County Council to

Living with Long Covid

The aim of the project was to understand the range of symptoms people were experiencing, the impact on physical and mental health and their experiences of accessing support for

Food Waste Engagement

Previous engagement activities in BwD have shown that those residents in the borough living in the most deprived areas, face barriers to access the healthy food they need.

Informing Winter Plans

Healthwatch Together have been asked to engage with patients presenting at Emergency Departments (ED), Urgent Treatment Centres (UTC) to explore reasons for attendance.

Eat Well in BWD

The aim to tackle food poverty more effectively as a community; promote healthy & accessible food to our residents; build community food, knowledge and resources and reduce

Mood of the Public

This research project took place as a result of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and the subsequent lockdown that took effect in England in March 2020.

LSCFT Strategy Engagement

Conversations with patients about their experiences to help inform the upcoming Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust Clinical Strategy.

Care Homes & the Pandemic

As part of our remit to explore and understand the views and experiences of people in Lancashire, Healthwatch use an approach called ‘Enter & View’.

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