Archive for: Healthwatch Together

Understanding People’s Experience of Bereavement Support in BwD

Healthwatch Blackburn with Darwen conducted a survey of residents across the borough to gather their feedback on support for bereavement between August and October 2024 with 652 re

Understanding People’s Experience of Bowel Screening in BwD

This report provides insights from multiple focus groups conducted across different communities to identify barriers, challenges, and actionable recommendations for improving bowel

HWT Maternity & Neonatal Matters Roadshow

HWT engagement project to investigate the experiences of women and families who access maternity and neonatal services in Lancashire & South Cumbria,

HWT Maternity & Neonatal Enter & View

HWT engagement project to investigate the experiences of women and families who access maternity and neonatal services in Lancashire & South Cumbria,

HWT Maternity & Neonatal Matters

HWT engagement project to investigate the experiences of women and families who access maternity and neonatal services in Lancashire & South Cumbria,

Safeguarding Voices

Healthwatch Together engaged with individuals and carers involved in a section 42 safeguarding enquiry, to investigate whether people felt their voice was heard and whether they

Covid Hesitancy

The purpose of this project was to engage with seldom-heard communities and individuals, to gather their experiences of the Covid-19 vaccination programme, whether people chose to

Emergency Care Insights

The primary focus of this engagement was to support Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership with winter planning, messaging and communication

Community Pharmacy

Healthwatch Together are working with colleagues from Public Health, NHS England, Blackpool
Council, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council and Lancashire County Council to

Informing Winter Plans

Healthwatch Together have been asked to engage with patients presenting at Emergency Departments (ED), Urgent Treatment Centres (UTC) to explore reasons for attendance.

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