Our local primary healthcare providers are taking part in a piece of work to help to see where care can be made better for future young people moving from child to adult healthcare services.
The organisation collecting the data is called NCEPOD. NCEPOD is a national organisation that uses data to help improve the quality of care for future patients in the UK. They do this by collecting data on patients from hospitals and other places where they may be cared for. For this work we are collecting data on young people aged 13-24 years old.
For over 30 years NCEPOD has run studies across the UK and these have led to lots of changes in how healthcare is provided. If you are a young person, parent/carer of a young person, who has moved from child to adult healthcare services, and would like to take part in a group discussion, fill in an online survey to share your experiences to help future patients. Find out more and
Please ask permission from your parent/carer if you are under 16*