Lift Someone Out Of Loneliness


Feeling lonely is something that all of us can experience at any point and it can have a huge impact on our wellbeing. It’s important to remember that these feelings can pass and that there are lots of ways we can help each other too.   Fancy a cuppa? Fancy a walk? Sometimes reaching out to eac...

January 2022 News


Happy New Year to everyone and welcome to our first newsletter of 2022.  We’re pleased to share with you that our team is expanding to increase our presence out and about in Blackburn with Darwen gathering residents’ views and experiences of health and social care organisations.  We were busy in the...

NHS Help Campaign


NHS England and NHS Improvement is launching a new mental health campaign to highlight that feelings of anxiety and depression can affect us all – and the NHS is here to help. The NHS provides a range of talking therapies for common mental health issues such as anxiety and depression which are...

New Campaign Launch Reveals Six Major Health Benefits To Losing Weight


New Better Health campaign offers free support and guidance to those working towards a healthier weight Over 3 in 5 adults (63% of adult population1) are at an increased risk from serious diseases and becoming seriously ill with COVID-19 as a result of being overweight The benefits of losing weight ...

Better Health – Let’s Do This!


The Department of Health and Social Care launched the latest instalment of the #BetterHealth campaign to encourage adults across the nation to lose excess weight, eat more healthily and get active as we begin the new year. Better Health is working in partnership with 15 weight management and physica...

Help Us Keep You Well This Winter


Cold weather can make some health problems worse, especially for those aged 65 and over, or if you have a long-term health condition such as heart or kidney disease, COPD, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, or diabetes. Even for those in full health, winter can bring with it coughs, colds, and flu bugs....

Moving from Child to Adult Healthcare Services.


Our local primary healthcare providers are taking part in a piece of work to help to see where care can be made better for future young people moving from child to adult healthcare services. The organisation collecting the data is called NCEPOD.  NCEPOD is a national organisation that uses data to h...

Winter newsletter


I hope this newsletter finds you well during these continuing uncertain times. We’re pleased to share updates with you on what the team have been busy with over the last few months and we are keen to learn from you what you see as the health and social care priorities we should focus on next year. H...

Autumn newsletter


I’m really pleased to introduce you to two new members of the team and share updates on our current projects now that we are getting back to some kind of normal! We are also looking for an enthusiastic and dedicated Projects Officer to join the team as well as volunteers to support our work across t...

National Patient Safety Award


A unique partnership collaboration in Pennine Lancashire between East Lancashire CCG Medicines Management Team, local GPs, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust Lancashire County Council, and Inspire (substance misuse service) has won a National Patient Safety Award at the PresQIPP National Conference...

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