Jean was referred to us by Kate Hollern MP’s office seeking NHS dental support. She is 74 years old and suffers from temporomandibular joint dysfunction, is no longer registered to a dentist, and was advised during an emergency dental appointment, that she would require further treatment and care, and to seek a referral for this through ‘Pathway 3 via MP/GP Healthwatch’. We communicate regularly with the LSC Dental team and agreed a pathway with them whereby someone who has had temporary treatment can be seen again to have the follow up permanent treatment they require. We sent over the referral for Jean to the LSC Dental team who confirmed that Jean met the criteria for their pathway for patients to access a dental practice to receive NHS Dental Treatment for particular presenting issues. We confirmed this with Jean who was over the moon! She had never taken so many painkillers in her life and could not wait to be able to stop doing so.