
NHS Strike action and FAQ

NHS Strike action and FAQ How long will services be impacted? The nurses’ strikes will last for 12 hours. Ambulance worker strikes will last for up to 26 hours and physiotherapy strikes will last for 24 hours. However, patients should be aware that it may take slightly longer for services to return ...


CQC inspect maternity services in East Lancashire

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published three reports following inspections of maternity care in November at Rossendale Primary Care Centre, Blackburn Birthing Centre and Burnley General Hospital, run by East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust. The inspections were carried out as part of CQC’s n...


Care Quality Commission Rates Inspire East Lancashire as ‘Outstanding’ Overall

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated CGL Inspire East Lancashire in Accrington as outstanding overall, following an inspection in September and October. CGL Inspire East Lancashire, run by Change, Grow, Live, is a substance misuse provider that delivers substance misuse services to people acr...


Tell us your story of maternal mental health care!

Pregnancy is a major life event for any family. It can be joyful and fulfilling but also challenging. We’re launching a national survey to understand if care works for new mothers and birthing parents. Share your story.   With one in four women experiencing mental health problems during pregnan...


Join a community conversation with North West Ambulance Service

People living and working in Lancashire are invited by North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) to share their views and experiences of our 999 emergency ambulance service, NHS 111 service, and patient transport service (PTS) as part of a conversation with the community.   Whether you’re an interest...


Gridlocked health and care system leading to deterioration in people’s access to and experience of care

The Care Quality Commission’s (CQC’s) annual assessment of the state of health and social care in England looks at the quality of care over the past year. This year – based on CQC’s inspection activity, information received from the public and those who deliver care alongside other evidence – the as...



Be kind to your mind this #WorldMentalHealthDay There are small things we can all do to help be kind to our mind and these can make a big difference to how we feel. That’s why a new Better Health – Every Mind Matters campaign is being launched, helping us find those little things we can all do...


Lancashire & south Cumbria New Hospitals Programme Update

The NHS in Lancashire and south Cumbria has stated its preference for new hospitals on new sites for both Royal Preston Hospital and Royal Lancaster Infirmary as part of the New Hospitals Programme. The NHS in Lancashire and South Cumbria has stated its preference for new hospitals on new sites for ...



Stoptober is back, calling on smokers in England to join more than 2.5 million others who have made a quit attempt with the campaign since it launched a decade ago in 2012. Nearly 6 million adults in England still smoke, and it remains the single biggest behavioural cause of preventable death, with ...


Special thanksgiving service for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

A service of thanksgiving for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will take place on Sunday the 18th of September at Blackburn Cathedral. The event will begin at 2pm and is ticketed, includes invited guests and will also be live streamed. Invited guests for the Cathedral’s County of Lancashire service of...

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