Find and choose the right services.

You can search for health and social care service providers in Blackburn with Darwen by using the search box above. Try searching by service name, postcode or street name.

Local services available:

Care Network (previously called Your Support Your Choice) is a service providing free information and advice and in partnership with Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council.  It is located at 9a Town Hall Street, Blackburn (opposite Blackburn Central Library) and advisors are available to speak to on (01254) 292620 between 9.00am – 5.00pm, Monday to Friday or please view their website at

You can find information about:

  • Staying independent
  • Home safety and maintenance
  • Self directed support and peer support
  • Positive mental health and stress management
  • What’s on in your community
  • Health and social care advice
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Support for people with a disabilities

N-Compass is  a multi specialist advocacy service that can support you to understand and exercise your rights in relation to accessing and dealing with Health and Social Care services to ensure your voice is heard and your rights are protected. The service is free and confidential working independently from the local authority and health and social care professionals so that you can be confident that they represent your views and wishes.  Please see their website at 

Please view the Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council  website for other health and social care information at

Re:Fresh is a resource for all health and wellbeing information and servicess in the borough – see for more information.

Royal Blackburn Hospital – Patients Advice Liaison Service provides information about what you can expect as an in-patient or out-patient and also information about how you can get help, advice or support-

The UK Care Guide covers a range of issues from financial and legal issues through to helping you find care or to find products that can help make life more comfortable at home during mid to later life. Find out more here UK Care Guide website

Reviews for Care Homes, Residential Homes & Nursing Homes is a leading UK Care Home review website containing thousands of care home reviews.  Use the easy search to tool to find further information and reviews on care homes in your area Here

Right Treatment, Right Place

Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments are open 24 hours and should only be used in emergencies.  The local emergency department is situated at Royal Blackburn Hospital.

Royal Blackburn Hospital
Haslingden Road


Phone 999 for an ambulance only if the emergency is very urgent, critical or life threatening. Phoning an ambulance for non-urgent cases could put other people who need emergency treatment in danger. Phone an ambulance if you think:

  • The patient’s illness or injury is life threatening
  • The illness or injury may get worse, or become life threatening, on the way to hospital
  • Moving them without trained people or special equipment could cause more injuryIf you think someone is suffering from one of the following, you must phone 999 for an ambulance:
  • Heart attack
  • Sudden, unexplained shortness of breath
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Unconsciousness (even if the patient has regained consciousness)
  • Traumatic back, spine or neck pain111 and NHS ChoicesIf in doubt as to whether it is an emergency, call 111 or log onto the website

Other services available:

NHS Choices – Service Directories

Find local NHS services by service name, service type, condition or surgical procedure.  Also has information to assist patient choice as well as My NHS which provides data on how local services are performing.

Care Quality Commission Inspection Reports

See the latest checks for whether hospitals, care homes, dentists, care in your home, and GP services are meeting national standards.

GP Patient Survey

See how others feel about your GP Practice or research a new one.